Contact Information of Southbourne Group Singapore, Tokyo Japan

Office Address 1:

Level 37, Ocean Financial Centre, 10 Collyer Quay, Raffles Place, Singapore 049315

Telephone: +65 31 590 969

Office Address 2:

Level 21, Shin-Marunouchi Center Building, 1-6-2 Marunouchi,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan 100-0005

Telephone: +81 3 4510 6150


If you are interested in applying for a position in our group of professionals, please fax your application letter and resume, or send an application e-mail.

In your application letter, kindly identify your special skills and the field of the company where you feel you would be of the greatest value. Please include your salary needs and professional references. All resumes submitted will be held confidentially.

Southbourne Group Provides Equitable Opportunities To All Its Employees And Does Not Discriminate Against Any Individual Employee On The Basis Of Race, Creed, Color, Belief Or Religion, Ancestry, Sex, Ethnic Origin, Age Or Physical Disability.

Provide Documented Candidates Must Track Record In Business Development With Plan Sponsors. The Personnel Will Work With Existing Consultant-Relations And Client-Relationship Management Groups In Providing The Progress Goals Of The Firm'S Institutional Business .